The very best thing about online coaching is that you can do it where ever you are in the world! It gives you the comfort of being able to perform the session where you like. This can be on the beach, at your home, or if you prefer at the gym.
Comfort in your surroundings is important as not a lot of people feel comfortable being in the gym surrounded by other gym members so maybe online coaching could be the best thing for you! Speak with your coach or personal trainer if this sounds like so...
When it comes to coaching in person or online coaching there will always be a bit of learning.
Learning how to take accountability, how to track, and how to execute each and every exercise with proper form and vigilance are just a few very important things to take away from your sessions.
Coaches and Personal Trainers are not just here to help you acquire your goals, they are also here to guide you on the right path to learning yourself at your own pace.